Can u read I T ?
If u can read it u must be Pak Hendro :D

Kamis, 28 April 2011


I have many favorite like food, movies, music, drinks, etc. So I would just mention it one by one :P

Favorite foods: pizza, spinach soup (made by my grandma), spaghetti, fried rice
Favorite drinks: mineral water, juice, lemon squash
Favorite colors: anything but the color that I like the most is white :P
Favorite movies: le divorce, letters to Juliet, Alice in wonderland
Favorite Musics: Alice theme, A gift of a friend, Fireflies, Strawberry Avalanche, I'll try, Telephone
Favorite music instrument: Guitar, Violin, Flute, Piano
Favorite books: Summer in Seoul, Autumn in Paris, Winter in Tokyo, Spring in London
Favorite quotes: Love the life you live   

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